Saturday 31 January 2015

LEGO Marvel Super Heros PS4....double-take - LEGO Marvel Super Heroes PlayStation 4 Review

Well, I waited for hours outside for the PS4 to come out, finally got one. Grabbed a game soon after and thought LEGO Marvel Super Heroes would be fun. I've played a few other LEGO games in the past, Indiana Jones, Batman, and some others. All of which I liked, but, after a while, it was the same old thing. Picking this up I knew what I was getting into... or so I though.
I popped it in (after hours figuring out how to update the PS4 with a USB/PSN being down). I was agitated and had a feeling this game might let me down as well. It starts you out with the basic entry movies (very good animation and voice overs). It moves to game play and you instantly recognize your favorite Marvel heros. This was a nice intro. Tons of hidden humor! Kids will love it, but adults will definitely pull out the "Did he just say that?" parts. I played through a few hours (1-2) with the classic gameplay.
Then, out of nowhere, it sets you in a city with LEGO Ironman / The Hulk. OK, I thought, I'm stuck and as soon as I get too far it will stop me. NOPE. It was open world, GTA style. I immediately took a car and starting chasing people down the sidewalk. (Thank you GTA). I was happy they added this. The city has a lot of quests and missions packed nearly everywhere.
But the really big game changer was when I hopped out of the car and turned on Ironman's suit. I was off in a sonic boom. They really captured the feeling of flight in this one. It's hard to explain, but it really did feel right. The city is huge with tons of secrets and passages. I've been playing for 5 hours and am only 3.5 % finished O.o I checked the ability to change characters... I changed to Dr. Octopus, then Venom, then a henchman, then Spiderman, and finally The Sandman. There are TONs of additional marvel characters you can play as you open them up. At least 30 or so that I saw, maybe more. All with unique abilities.
The only thing this game lacks is online gameplay. Maybe they will incorporate this in the future. But that's OK with me there's too much to do as it is!

If you are thinking of buying this and you are into Marvel and/or LEGO, DEFINITELY pick this up. It's worth it.

LEGO Marvel Super Heros PS4....double-take -   LEGO Marvel Super Heroes PlayStation 4 Review

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