Saturday 31 January 2015

Excellent "bare bones" TV. Incredible, vibrant display. - LGReview 50LB5900 50-Inch 1080p 120Hz LED TV Review

Disclaimer: I attempted to buy this via Amazon, but first unit came completely destroyed in the box. Refused on delivery. I decided to purchase it from a local store as I didn't care to risk waiting on another damage unit.

That being said, this is a very under-reviewed television. I had researched my next TV for quite awhile and came to the conclusion I'd only purchase a Samsung, LG, or possibly Vizio. My requirements were as follows:

50-55", Small profile, LED, direct-LED backlighting, and NO "smart" functionality (I have a ROKU and an HTPC that destroys pretty much any "smart" television functionality that a manufacturer includes on their TVs.) These requirements made for an extremely limited search as most major TV manufacturers are pushing their "smart" televisions only. I came across this LG and compared to as similar as possible Samsung and Vizios. The LG price point and direct-LED backlight was the winner. I couldn't find any other TV that fit all the requirements above and certainly not at this price point, which was fairly unbelievable considering it is the new 2014 model.

The picture: Blacks are far deeper than I had thought for an LED (I've been a plasma buyer up until now). The direct-LED backlighting is superb and I notice no weird lighting issues and certainly no edge bleeding. The viewing angle is much better than I had thought, but most LED TVs are correcting this issue anyway, so this shouldn't be too surprising. I see no "soap opera" effect from higher refresh rates. I have yet to figure out how to manually set the refresh, but as of now everything appears perfect with standard factory settings.

The audio: Surprising. I wasn't even going to review sound as most factory sets are junk. There is actually a good amount of bass and volume. Audio is very crisp. Not sure if I'll stick with this for the long run, but it's worth noting that it is better than expected.

Cons: Very, very few. My only main concern is that although I love the double stands, they aren't that supportive. If I push the display at the top, it'll wobble back and forth a little due to the legs not giving enough support. If you have a stable stand like I do, this is pretty much a none issue, but it could be a concern for some. Everyone comments on how they like the look for the legs though (myself included). Further, I'd love one more HDMI slot, but two is good for most uses. Also, I feel I am very tech savy, but I would have appreciated a user manual that goes into greater discussion and depth. Even on this TV that is fairly bare bones, there are many options to adjust and the manual barely addresses anything. A lengthier manual could have been very handy. You'll just have to tinker with it some more. Not a major issue.

Overall: After a ton of research, this TV is, in my opinion, *the* best LED TV in the 55", non-smart category. It is fairly no frills when it comes to inputs, options, and "smart" functions, but it has a shockingly beautiful and great display. If you don't need a massive amount of features, this TV is just killer. Highly recommended for those of us who don't need or want a "smart" TV. As long as this TV doesn't have any mechanical issues down the line, I'll consider this an absolute steal at the pricepoint.

Excellent "bare bones" TV. Incredible, vibrant display. -   LGReview 50LB5900 50-Inch 1080p 120Hz LED TV Review

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