Tuesday 20 January 2015

best laptop for this price - Acer Aspire E Notebook (ES1-512-C323) Dual-core Intel Celeron / 4GB DDR3L SDRAM / 500GB HDD / Windows 8.1 / WiFi / Webcam / 15.6" HD LED Display Black Review

Boy... how I wanted to hate Windows 8. I have a pathological hatred for calling programs 'apps' and hate everything so God awful simple that the GUI looks like something out of Playschool. I still hate those aspects with a vengeance, don't get me wrong. But quite frankly I don't see what the fuss is about. The Windows 8 interface has taken all of 10 minutes to get used too with all its simpleton focused big brash boxes; and it's evident that all control over the PC remains intact for all those non-simpletons who actually remember what it was like to have to understand how an operating system works.
It's possible to watch your movies or play your games on your TV you just need a HDMI-Cable, but do yourself a favour and buy a 1.4 highspeed one! :

As for this Acer laptop... I am absolutely blown away. My first PC cost me well over $2000 in 1997; the last Sony Vaio laptop I bought in 2006 cost me well over $1500. This cost me a fraction over 250 bucks and functions flawlessly.

You gotta love technological advancement. This is a brilliant laptop at an unbelievable price; and although I utterly hate the practice of reducing an operating system down to a series of big, bold boxes a retarded squirrel with ADHD could comprehend, I nevertheless love the operating system too. If you love good sound, you also should buy new boxes.I have this beautyful pair ;)

The only problem is that the new generation are so far removed from how a PC works with this simplification, that give it a few years and I'll be surprised if people can actually plug a PC in without being spoon fed a bright big, 'plug in here' box.


Update: One problem I have found is that the 'right click' function doesn't work on the touchpad. I've tried updating the touchpad driver with no success; but am pretty sure it's some form of driver / windows 8 conflict. No clear solution on the Acer support site unfortunately. Once I've sorted it, I'll update here. But if you get one and experience a similar problem - you might have to plug in a mouse in the first instance. But apart from that minor irritation, the touchpad is extremely responsive.

Solution: Eureka! After being driven half crazy trying to resolve the above issue I happened to tap the touchpad with two simultaneous fingers and guess what? Yep... right click worked!!! So I'm rewriting the Acer manual on this one... to right click don't tap in the bottom right hand corner of the touchpad as instructed (you'd have more luck getting a right click using the Force) instead tap anywhere on the touchpad with two fingers.
But now i bought a new mouse - this one:

I can sleep now!

best laptop for this price -    Acer Aspire E Notebook (ES1-512-C323) Dual-core Intel Celeron / 4GB DDR3L SDRAM / 500GB HDD / Windows 8.1 / WiFi / Webcam / 15.6" HD LED Display Black  Review

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