Saturday, 21 February 2015

Gorgeous - Sony XPERIA Z2 D6503 FACTORY UNLOCKED International Version No Warranty WHITE Review

Gorgeous -   Sony XPERIA Z2 D6503 FACTORY UNLOCKED International Version No Warranty WHITE Review

Most don't recognize the Sony Xperia z2 because it's more foreign. Like foreign cars, the Sony Xperia z2 is the best.
-the best! camera with 20mp takes gorgeous photos that kills those of the s5, iPhone 6 AND HTC m8
-The battery is excellent! Better than the top brands I have just named
-The screen is gorgeous
-Waterproof, not resistant, waterPROO
waterPROOF waterPROOF. There was a news story to prove it. This guy lost it in a lake for Two months, and went driving to find it two months later to find it still working perfectly.

Just face it, the HTC m8 is a close competitor, but it's just outmatched by specs. Any iPhone or Samsung is NO match. Thank You

Manuel A. Email:

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